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Dashboard App

Full-Stack Web Project. See relevant data and information about the company. Click on the gear to access. I used ChakraUi, NextJs, TypeScript and MongoDB.


Front End Web Project. Search and find your favorite pokemon. Api provided by Mandarin currently disabled. I used Bootstrap, NextJs and TypeScript.


Full-Stack Web Project. Create and edit notes wherever you want. I used Figma, Sass, Bootstrap, ReactJs, NodeJS and MongoDB.

Game Awards

Full-Stack Mobile Project. Vote for games and categories in the Game Awards. I used Figma, Sequelize, Express, Postgres and React Native / Expo.


Full-Stack Mobile Project. Follow good habits to help the robot. I used React Native / Expo and SQLite.

Apple Catalog

Front End Web Project. Simulates a catalog with a shopping cart. I used Next Js and TypeScript.

My GitHub

Here you can see my various projects and technical description about them. Take a look :)